Zombie storm (bojové free flash hra on-line)

Zombie storm - free flash hra on-line

Abyste mohli začít hrát, musíte nainstalovat další program: <a href="http://www.macromedia.com/go/getflashplayer/" target="_blank">Flash Player</a>

Zombie storm play information
Top down shooter with the objective to kill all the zombies and protect all civilians. After every level you get to buy armor, weapon and other upgrades with the money you picked up during the game. A usefull movement radar is included in the top corner of the screen.

Zombie storm controls
Use the arrowkeys to move around the town, press on the ctrl keys to shoot your gun. This online flash game offers the option to buy and uprgade your weapons as well.

 Více her a zábavy on-line  www.celysvet.cz

 Článek Zombie storm (free online flash game)  v angličtině (ENG)...
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Zombie storm
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Zombie storm
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Zombie storm
Zombie storm

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29.10: Máte-li zájem o jakékoli podrob nější informace na téma: Zombie storm, neváh...

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