Western Blitzkrieg Střílení (Akční hra)

Western Blitzkrieg - Online flash hra

Abyste mohli začít hrát, musíte nainstalovat další program: <a href="http://www.macromedia.com/go/getflashplayer/" target="_blank">Flash Player</a>
Western Blitzkrieg play information A fast 2d action game where you have to infiltrate deep into the enemy lines, in search for the secret rocket installation. defeat helicopters tanks and even take control of a minigun watchtower! Western Blitzkrieg controls You can walk using the AWD keys on the keyboard, press Q for quality (low/high) and S to toggle sound on and off. Use the mouse to aim and fire, and press on the E key to do special operations (such as blowing up doors)

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 Článek Western blitzkrieg (online flash game)  v angličtině (ENG)...
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Western Blitzkrieg Střílení
Western Blitzkrieg Střílení

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29.10: Máte-li zájem o jakékoli podrob nější informace na téma: Western Blitzkrieg ...

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