Sudoku challenge (hlavolamy free flash hra on-line)

Sudoku challenge - free flash hra on-line

Abyste mohli začít hrát, musíte nainstalovat další program: <a href="" target="_blank">Flash Player</a>

Sudoku challenge play information
This is a online flash game of the populair sudoku title. This online game will be played on a field of 9x 3x3 matrixes. The sudoku gain has the following online flash game rules : do not place any number more then once in the same 3x3 matrix, same horizontal line, or same vertical line.

Sudoku challenge controls
Play sudoku by using the mouse cursor. This online flash game will generate random sudoku puzzles for you.

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Sudoku challenge
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Sudoku challenge
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Sudoku challenge
Sudoku challenge

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